Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wishes and aspects of happiness

During my childhood I had so many dreams for life. I wanted to be at the top of the world and touch the moon after flying for days. However, brutal - the time that was passing kept teaching me the things I couldn't do, enforcing me to let go the old imaginary wishes, replacing them with realistic and sensible fresh ones. Some of my wishes got true but most of them failed to cross the invincible hiatus between real and imaginary world. Still I couldn't feel the ecstasy that I thought my fulfilled wishes would bring along with them whenever I found myself under the horizon of successful dreams.

One of the most remarkable things regarding human life is that for everyone what's gone is gone, it can't be replaced. Added, our wishes are bound to future and the gap between present and future eats away the necessity and essence of the things we are insane about. Thus developed denial between facts and fiction renders us a weird mentality in which we start to laugh at ourselves for failing to speculate the obvious. That is the point where we come to realize our limitations, weaknesses and poor perception regarding the causes of whatever we didn't get. Different new wishes at that time; the cycle repeats.

But regardless of so many repetitions of such cycles in my life, I still don't stop myself wishing a lot. May be this is vastly insensible for me but I can't convince myself that fantasizing and wishing is a foolish way of passing time. It's life for me, a life that has so many absurdities, complications and uncertainties which catch me up and take me in the long chain of fictional reality. This indeed is the chain that is safe from the world of facts, the chain where we can challenge circumstances to be according to our needs, the chain where there are no time limits, heartaches or failures.

Take the other side of coin, many a times I derive happiness from everything I am facing even if it's for a while. I choose to join my chain in my wish land the next moment taking a quick detour when the real world adds lots of agony in my happiness. For I can take control of things in my wish land, for I can still be in the world of happiness, for isn't it happiness that we crave for in our lives? If a little imagination is what it takes to be happy, the time is perfect then to draw new lines between facts and fiction. For this is the only life we have and happiness is for us to take.

Let's catch our dreams and wishes, no matter even if in fiction because by that way we can be happy.

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